Tuesday, 31 March 2009

Stretching into New Boundaries

Hello Everybody!

I have decided to create this blog so that we can share different challenges and have a different way to communicate. That is why I thought of "Stretching into New Boundaries" as the title for this blog. I consider this blog to be a real challenge which stretches me to new boundaries! I hope that through this blog and wiki I may stretch you to new boundaries too!

So, what I would love you to do, dear 5B, is to pick up the challenge as well. My idea is to post as often as I can different ideas, games, poems and other activities which can trigger off your imagination and opinions.

Therefore, following the title of this blog my question today is . . .

What does this picture say to you? Do you like it? What does it make you feel? What do you see?

Do you think you could add a comment so as to share your thoughts?

Looking forward to your answers,

Miss Ivonne


  1. Hi Ivonne,
    I wanted to post this comment for the question of the picture:
    Are like bubles that are going to somewhere like to new boundaries and never ends.
    I liked the site of Michael Rosen.

  2. Hi Yvonne,
    The new boundaries are very funnny I enjoyed a lot then I am going to show it to my family
