Thursday, 28 May 2009


Aren't these two pieces of art incredible! Michelangelo always said that he considered himself a sculpturer and not a painter. What do you think?
Which do you like more, La Pieta or the painting of the ceiling of the Sisteen Chapel?


  1. wow!!!
    mis ivonne the picture is fantastic!!!
    very goood photos!!!
    bye , justi

  2. hi i like the two pictures the Sisteen Chapel is very beautifull and La Pietá is very detailed.


  3. I think his a painter and a sculpturer both because he makes a lot of details in paints and in sculptures. I think the 16 chapel roof is better than the Pieta.


  4. I think he is both (painter and sculpter) because he was very detailed when he painted and also when he sculptured. I think the 16 chapel´s roof is better than the Pieta.

  5. 29 May 2009 21 19 message is from Guido

  6. hi miss Ivonne
    i will say that michelangelo was very but very good at painting and in sculpter
    but i would say that for michelangelo liked more doing the pieta than the sixteen chapel
    or no?
    bye , justi

  7. Hi Miss. Ivonee I think that his both because he is out of the ordinary . He can work with anythink they gave him .
    He was an exellent sculptor but also an exellent paintor .
    I think how he did the Sistine Chapel Ceiling was exellent because it was a very difficult job.
    Also the Pieta it's incredible how a man can be a great sculptor and also a great paintor. 1 of 10000000 persons can do better things that the ones he did

    Bye Franco Riwilis 5B

  8. The paint and the sculpture are very good I think that he is both a paintor and a sculpturer

  9. hello
    i don´t know becouse he discraibed him self like a supture mor than a paintor but the Sisteen Chapel was amazing and the scultur was very detaild but I like best la pietá becos it is very nioce and diteiled
    bye nicky

  10. hello miss Ivonne
    I think Michelangelo is a painter and a sculpturer and he is very god at both but I think that the sistine chapel is better than the pieta and he paints better than sculpture

  11. Hello Miss Ivonne,
    I think that Michelangelo was a paintor and a sculpturer because he painted and sculptured lots of things including the way he imagined god,
    I like The Pieta and The panting of The Sistine Chapel because the two are very well detailed and very well made.
    Waiting for more amazing things...

  12. Miss Ivonne, Michelangelo can considered him as a sculpture but he painted very good also. I think that he was a sculpture and a painter but more sculpture that painter.

    Santiago Bugallo
