Monday, 6 July 2009

How true is the story of theTroyan War?

How true is the story of the Trojan War? We read and watched what we thought was a made up story told by Homer thousands of years ago. But did the city of Troy really exist? Was there a war between the Greeks and the Trojans?

I will be showing you, these coming days, a series of videos published by the BBC. Did this war truly exist?


  1. guidoooooooooo8 July 2009 at 11:12

    Dear miss Yvonne,
    In this video they are not sure if the war or Troy really existed, but if the war existed was in the city of Troy and it was a war for Helen.
    Keep posting things like this.
    by Guido

  2. BELUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU8 July 2009 at 11:19

    Hi Miss Ivonne
    In the video that you show us they were not sure the war of the Trojans really existed...
    But is it exsted they fighted for Helen.

    I am looking foward your blog..

  3. Hi Ivonne in the video they say that they were not sure if the war existed but if it existed thay fought for Helen
    looking forward

  4. Hi miss Yvonne, it says that they are not sure if the war existed.Is it real?
    Looking forward for more things.

  5. Miss Yvonne I think this tells Troy really existed. This shows many people investigated on Troy.
    But Achillisis true? and Hector? and Paris?
