Friday, 3 July 2009

The Story of the Trojan Horse

Did you enjoy watching Troy today?

Watch this video which is a cartoon. What differences do you find between the story we read in class, the film we watched today and this cartoon?


  1. Hi Miss Ivonne I see from different that the story is being say by a man and the characters don't talk very much also that is like a survey.

    Thank You FRANCO

  2. Miss Yvonne I think this story is like telling the story form one of the Greek soldiers point of viue.
    It is very sorprising how the Troyans didn't realice there were men in the horse.
    I liked it a lot post more videos like this

  3. Hello miss Yvonne I enjoyed watching the video. In The cartoon video they would say little part but important parts of each seen.

  4. Hello Miss Ivonne
    I enjoyed seeing the video and it has many differences like: Aquiles, Hector and Paris do not appear. But although the vide is very god.

  5. Hi!!! I enjoyed alot the video. It is diferrent because it doesn't giveso much details, because they only went to fech Helen, because Aquilles, Hector and paris do not apear and the gods nither.I loved the vido.
    Bye, HUGGES and KISSES Nicky.B

  6. Hello Miss Yvonne,
    I know I wasn´t in school the day when we had to see the video because I wasn´t feeling very well...
    So I thought to see the video at home!
    I had the movie so I saw it... I found different thing in this video to mine. Paris, Achilles and Hector didn´t appear and the Troyans didn´t capture Helen, Paris was in love so he brought her to Troy. But the cartoon was right when said that Odysseus had the idea of the wooden horse.
    Seeing foward into this blog...
    Hugs and Kisses

  7. Miss Ivonne the cartoon was good but I enjoyed more the movie and all the wars

    hugs. JOSE

  8. guidoooooooooo8 July 2009 at 11:18

    dear miss Yvonne,
    I see that the characters don't talk much and that in the movie the spartan's want to have more land and in the video thye wanted to rescue Helen.
    Keep posting things like this.
    bye Guido

  9. BELUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU8 July 2009 at 11:31

    Hi Miss Yvonne
    In the video the gods did´t appear like in the story that you told us in the class... The video didn´t had a lot of dialog of the Trojans and the Greeks but that does.t matter because althought the gods didn´t appear we have learnt a lot...
    I am looking foward the blog!
    A LOT OF HUGS AND A LOT OF KISSES............... :D

  10. Miss Ivonne, I was absent on Friday so I couldn't watch the movie but I had already watched it at home some time ago. I think this is different from the one that you read to us
    because the gods don't appear and Hector neither. But this one is also very good. Keep posting things! Nacho.

  11. Hi Miss Ivonne
    I saw that in the cartoon Paris, Achilles and Hector didnt appear. It was also very different to the story you read us in class because the gods didnt appear.

  12. i think the movie is very good in cartoon.
    i think that the movie was very good but i liked more the book because it had gods....
    to paris, achilles and hector didnt appear
    it doesnt gives you so much information...
